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“Pitch For a Million” Leads to Nearly $2 Million in Potential Real Estate Investment
What's Hot in the Merrick School of Business
UB's New Brand Rolls-out
Dean's Corner
Message from the Dean
Merrick Engages Series Innovation
Lessons From Legends
Accolades to Celebrate
Upcoming Events
Accounting Faculty Wins Outstanding Article
UB President's Faculty Award Goes to Accounting Professor
Prof. Cavazos: Digital Advertising Ecosystem is Rife with Fraud
Differences between user addiction to smartphone devices versus addiction to social network
Lingelbach Goes to Myanmar
Prof. van Vliet Receives USM Regents Faculty Award
Recent Scholarly Publications
"Faces of UB" - Business School Edition
2018-2019 Academic Achievement Awards
2019 Honor Society Inductions
Alumni and Friends
Alumni Spotlight
MBA Alumna’s Experience Leads Her to Donate to the School
Update Your Alumni Information
Past Issues of The Merrick Exchange
Connect on Social Media
Winners Announced for UB’s ‘Rise to the Challenge’ Business Pitch Competition
Attman Competition Winner’s Video Game Focuses on Mental Illness Awareness
Takes a Startup to Know a Startup
Global Business
Global Business Challenges Yield Real Results
Centers of Excellence
Measuring Connectedness in Baltmore City Neighborhoods
Back to the Classroom
Fast Pitch: Video Stories in 120 Seconds.