Recent Scholarly Publications
Samples of scholarly research generated from July 1, 2017 -May 31 2019
(Merrick School faculty names are bolded.)
- Bento, R. F., Mertins, L., White, L. F. (2018). Do Sustainability Measures Matter in Managerial Appraisal and Rewards? Advances in Public Interest Accounting, 21.
- Bento, R. F., Mertins, L., White, L. F. (2018). Risk Management and Internal Control: A Study of Management Accounting Practice. Advances in Management Accounting, 30, 1-25.
- Felix, R., Wilford, A. (2019). Does it pay to remediate? An analysis of the internal and external benefits of remediation. Accounting and Business Research, 49(2), 181-205.
- Felix, R. (2018). The effect of informed outside directors on investment efficiency. Advances in Management Accounting, 30, 99-127.
- Felix, R., Cheng, S., Indejikian, R. Spillover Effects of Internal Control Weakness Disclosures: The Role of Audit Committees and Board Connections. Contemporary Accounting Research.
- Felix, R., Gaynor, G., Pevzner, M. B., Williams, J. L. (2017). Societal trust and the economic behavior of not-for-profit organizations. Advances in Accounting, 39 (December 2017), 21-31.
- Kim, J.-B., Pevzner, M. B., Xin, X. (2019). Foreign Institutional Ownership and Auditor Choice: Evidence from Worldwide Institutional Ownership. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(1), 83-110.
- Knechel, R., Mintchik, N., Pevzner, M. B., Velury, U. (2019). The effects of generalized trust and civic cooperation on the Big N presence and audit fees across the globe. Auditing: Journal of Practice and Theory, 38(1), 193-219.
- Kang, Y., Miller, N. A., Tzeng, H.-M., Zhang, T. (2018). Racial and Mental Disorders' Impact on Older Patients' Nursing Home Admissions upon Hospital Discharge. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 79(2018), 269-274.
- Sawhney, B. L., Kabaklarli, E., Mangir, F. (2018). Contribution of Infrastructure to Economic Growth. International Review of Business and Economics, 2(1).
- Sawhney, B. L., Kabaklarli, E., Mangir, F. (2018). Military Spending and Income Inequality in the U.S. International Journal of Economics Commerce and Management.
- Carter, W., Jackson, G. A. (2019). Clockspeed, competition, and cooperation: Incumbent motives to participate in the market for ideas. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
- Carter, W., Salimath, M. S. (2019). Diving into strange waters: Incumbent adoption of emerging radical technology. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 18(3), 346-368.
- Lingelbach, D. (2019). Financial Crises and Venture Capital Development: Evidence from Indonesia. Asia Pacific Business Review, 25(1), 61-80.
- Mersha, T., Sriram, V. (2019). Gender, Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Success: Evidence from Ethiopia. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(2), 157-167.
- Pezeshkan, A., Smith, A., Fainshmidt, S., Zhang, J. Risk, capabilities, and international venture capital syndication in China. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
- Sriram, V., Mersha, T. (2017). Entrepreneurial Drivers and Performance: An Exploratory Study of Urban Minority and Women Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 31(4), 515-533.
- Zhang, T., Acs, Z. J. (2019). Does Generation Matter for Entrepreneur Types: Four Generations of Entrepreneurs. Southern Economic Journal (DOI: 10.1002/soej.12350), online first.
- Felix, R., Cheng, S., Zhao, Y. (2019). Information leakage: The effect of firm centrality on short sales. Journal of Banking and Finance, 98, 198-211.
- Morse, J. N. (2019). “A Forensic Economics Approach to Reparations,” forthcoming in Journal of Accounting and Finance,Vol.19,No.2,2019.
- Nguyen, H. (2018). How do investors price stocks?—Evidence with real‐time data from Vietnam. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 23(4), 13.
- Nguyen, H. H. (2019). Price adjustment lags and their asymmetries in Vietnam. International Journal of Economics and Business Research.
- Wang, C.-C., Yu, J. (2018). The Holdings Marking-up Behavior of Institutional Investors – Evidence from An Emerging Market. Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting.
- Yunus, N. (2019). Dynamic linkages among U.S. real estate sectors before and after the housing crisis The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 58, (2) 264-289.
- Bento, R. F. (2018). Reflexivity in Research: Three Encounters and the ‘I’-Index. M@n@gement, 20 (5), 523-528.
- Khurana, A., Adlakha, V., Lev, B. (2018). Multi-index Constrained Transportation Problem with Bounds on Availabilities, Requirements and Commodities. Operations Research Perspectives, 5 (2018), 319-333.
- Lyons, J. B., Wynne, K. T., Mahoney, S., Roebke, M. A. (in press). Trust and human-machine teaming: A qualitative study. In W. Lawless, R. Mittu, D. Sofge, I. Moskowitz, and S. Russell (Ed.), Artificial intelligence for the Internet of everything. Elsevier.
- Singhal, K., Singhal, J. (2019). Technology and Manufacturing in China Before the Industrial Revolution and Glimpses of the Future. Production and Operations Management Journal, 28(3), 505-515.
- Wenger, L., Fainshmidt, S., Pezeshkan, A., Mallon, M. When do dynamic capabilities lead to competitive advantage? The importance of strategic fit. Journal of Management Studies.
- Wynne, K. T., Lyons, J. B. (2018). An integrative model of autonomous agent teammate-likeness. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 19, 353-374.
- Maddox, L., Patino, A., Katsanis, L., Pitta, D. A. (2017). The Obesity Epidemic: The Effect of Pre-existing Lifestyle on Attitude to the Ad, Attitude to the Brand, and Purchase Intention. Advances in Economics and Business, 5(11), 575-581.
- Alarcon, G. M., Lyons, J. B., Christensen, J. C., Klosterman, S. L., Bowers, M. A., Ryan, T. J., Jessup, S. A., Wynne, K. T. (2018). The effect of propensity to trust and perceptions of trustworthiness on trust behaviors. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1906-1920.
- Antonacopoulou, E. P., Bento, R. F. (2018). "From Laurels to Learners: Leadership with Virtue". Journal of Management Development.
- Bento, R. F., Zacur, S. R. (2017). Regarding Lupe: A One-Act Play Where Two Cultures Collide on the Road to a Latina’s Performance Appraisal. Organization Management Journal, 14(4), 213-230.
- Gallimore, D., Lyons, J., Vo, T., Mahoney, S., Wynne, K. T. (2019). Trusting Robocop: Gender-based effects on trust of an autonomous robot. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-9.
- Asarta, C., Bento, R. F., Fornaciari, c., Dean, K., Arbaugh, j. B., Hwang, A. (2018). The scholarship of teaching and learning: Changing the dominant narrative about (and in) research institutions. Journal of Management Education.
- Fornaciari, C. J., Arbaugh, J. B., Asarta, C. J., Bento, R. F., Hwang, A., Lund Dean, K. (2017). Key Institutions in Business and Management Education Research. Journal of Education for Business, 92(5), 220-229.
- Hwang, A., Arbaugh, J. B., Bento, R. F., Asarta, C., Fornaciari, C. (2019). What Causes a Business and Management Education. International Journal of Management Education.
- Carter, W., Stickney, L. T. (2019). A Capstone for the Capstone: An Experiential Exercise in Strategic Management. Journal of Management Education.
- Maddox, L., Patino, A., Kaltcheva, V. D., Pitta, D. A. (2018). Integration of an Online Curriculum with a Real-World Exercise: A Step Beyond Traditional Classroom Teaching. Journal of Advertising Education.
- Stickney, L. T., Bento, R. F., Aggarwal, A. K., Adlakha, V. G. (2019). Online Higher Education: Faculty Satisfaction and Its Antecedents. Journal of Management Education.