UB's New Brand Rolls-out
You Know Us the University of Baltimore
New University of Baltimore emblem mark.
New University of Baltimore emblem mark.

You know us because we’ve been educating leaders for nearly 100 years; you know us through our faculty’s outstanding research and teaching; you know us thanks to the hard work, dedication of UB alumni, students and staff. You know us because we are the University of Baltimore.


In the latter part of 2018, the University of Baltimore launched an all-new branding campaign, designed to show the institution's long-established attributes as a home for hard-working, determined students in the context of a rapidly changing higher-education marketplace. The process took about a year and included with input from a wide array of internal and external audiences, the brand is intended to stand out as aspirational and academically focused. It also serves as a celebration of the University's home in central Baltimore and its nearly 100-year history. 


UB's new brand is largely centered on the idea of "You Know Us," and delivers a number of key messages designed to engage a variety of audiences, including prospective students. From a new logo to forward-looking, succinct messaging describing UB's capabilities and its unique qualities—as well as those of its students and alumni—the brand solidifies the University's place as an urban institution rich in history, broad in impact, strong in values and relevant to the shifting conversation about what public higher education is about in 2018.


"In ways that we've never seen at UB, our new brand tells the world what we are teaching and learning here, and how important that work is to our city and the world beyond," said University of Baltimore President Kurt L. Schmoke. "We have always had a solid reputation from an academic perspective, especially when it comes from our alumni. But we needed to flesh out that message and have it speak to the enormous amount of change that we've seen in recent years, and will continue to see going forward. We have never been complacent about the success of our students, and I believe our new brand delivers that message in ways that are bold—even striking. We are learning how to share our passion for transforming lives."


Those involved in the branding process say that the "You Know Us" message speaks to the lasting impact that UB alumni are making in Baltimore and beyond—in the legal community, the arts and sciences, in business and commerce, in public policy, and across multiple professions.


The University of Baltimore, founded in 1925 by local business owners and civic leaders as a home to those seeking to improve their career potential, is among the most diverse institutions in the state, and the only one of its kind in Maryland boasting undergraduate and graduate programs alongside its historic School of Law. It became a public institution in 1975 and joined the University System of Maryland in 1988.


"A key factor in developing our brand was to meet the new expectations of students considering higher education," Schmoke said. "There are many choices, and even more ways to pursue a degree—online, part time and so on. We know we are the right answer for a lot of these students, but we certainly can't wait for them to find us. We have to reach them, where they are now and how they're living now, and tell them about UB in ways that clarify and convince. Our students come from all walks of life; they are driven, resilient and focused on changing their future, and the future of their families and communities. I think this brand reflects that reality quite well."


Learn more about UB's new brand web site.

View the new video below.

The University of Baltimore: You Know Us

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