Mikhail Pevzner, professor and holder of the E&Y Chair in Accounting in the Merrick School of Business, is the recipient of the 2019 President’s Faculty Award. Prof. Pevzner will be honored at a luncheon during the fall semester.
This meritorious award is the highest that UB’s president may bestow upon a member of the faculty, and is based on letters of nomination from the deans to a selection committee in the Office of the Provost.
In an academic career with many highlights, Prof. Pevzner’s 2016-17 appointment as a visiting academic fellow to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the Office of the Chief Accountant remains a singular achievement. Following this fellowship, he was invited back to the SEC to serve as a visiting economist in the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis. His rigorous analyses of the impact of proposed rules and standards helped the Commission to strengthen public understanding of the accounting and auditing functions that support our country’s financial markets.
Prof. Pevzner’s “high teaching evaluations, commitment to continuous improvement in teaching, world-class scholarship, considerable professional impact, development, advocacy and management of the M.S. in Accounting and Business Services, service to the nation’s primary institution for overseeing financial markets, and exemplary leadership in the School” make him a deserving recipient of recognition by the University, said Murray Dalziel, dean of the Merrick School of Business.
In recommending Prof. Pevzner for the President’s Faculty Award, Prof. Phillip J. Korb, chair of the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics in the School, said his colleague has contributed greatly to UB’s educational mission.
“Having observed his classes several times, I am most impressed with how he has structured his face to face classes as well as his online classes to maximize the student experience,” Prof. Korb wrote. “During his tenure at the University, Dr. Pevzner has evolved into a master teacher.”
In addition, his academic research has proven to be superlative, with multiple articles published in highly-ranked publications and a growing record of citations that indicates he is having a significant impact on the accounting profession.
“Overall, Prof. Pevzner has established a track record of teaching and scholarship of which we can all be proud,” wrote UB President Kurt L. Schmoke in a message to the campus community. “Please join me in congratulating him on this award and thanking the selection committee for its fine work.”
Learn more about Prof. Mikhail Pevzner.